Storrington Conservation Society Newsletter 31


The bluebells are in full flower as this is being written, bringing carpets of shining blue under the trees. A very special time of the year. Bluebells are one of the plants that only appear in season, to be enjoyed briefly. Many other flowers can be grown here or abroad out of their season, which makes them no longer special.

The seasonal work at Fryern Dell has come to an end to avoid disturbing nesting birds. The extra work party on 30th April concentrated on bank erosion prevention. We are now starting to embark on our summer programme, besides bank restoration, we plan for footpath improvements at The Glade and clearing the Riverside walk, amongst other items.

This spring at Fryern Dell we have been layering Rhododendrons. This is an unusual task for conservation volunteers, as we more often have to cut back invasive wild Rhododendrons. However on the edge of the Dell, between the River Stor and Dean Way, there are at least 4 non-invasive heritage varieties of Rhododendrons. Layering involves selecting young, low growing shoots and pegging them to the ground. We hope these will root into the soil and can then be cut from the parent plant, grown on and moved to a new location in the Dell. More details next month.

The work party on 4th June meets at 10.00am as usual at The Glade, to clear the paths of brambles etc. and improve the walking surfaces. Volunteers to wield shovels and wheelbarrows will be greatly appreciated. For details of the Thursday work party on 16th June at 2.00pm, please refer to our website.

For information about this and all our activities, or becoming a member, please get in touch with Mick Denness on 01903 745971, or look on our website

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