2021 Storrington Christmas Festive Afternoon

We’ve got twinkly lights, we’ve got Christmas music, we’ve got festive gifts and plenty of offers for you to enjoy. Take in the sound of Christmas Carols outside Henry Adams, visit craft stalls at The Anchor Inn, enjoy afternoon tea in one of our village cafes, visit the Rotary sale in Place Villerest for books, plants, Christmas wreaths and handmade bug boxes and plenty more.

Our local shops will be waiting to welcome you with special offers, promotions and a warm welcome, there may even be a nibble, glass of fizz or a treat for the kids!

In true festive spirit we’ve given the parking attendants the afternoon off so there’s free parking in the Library car park and the Waitrose car park from 1-6pm!

Stay around as daylight fades, the perfect time to enjoy the festive lights on the High Street, enjoy the sound of Christmas Carols and perhaps finish off with a mulled wine or two!

Storrington Shop Local logoThis event has been brought to you by Storrington Business Owners, Storrington Rotary and Storrington Parish Council with a grant from the ‘High Street Welcome Back’ funding co-ordinated by Horsham District Council.

Special thanks to Storrington Rotary, Henry Adams, Storrington Parish Council, Sussex Local, Storrington Community Partnership, the Village Facebook team and Horsham District Council for organising and promoting this event.

HDC Welcome Back grant logo

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