Open morning to introduce U3A.

November 11, 2019 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Trinity Methodist Centre
Thakeham Rd
Storrington, Pulborough RH20 3NG

U3A logo

U3A. Our motto: ‘Retired but not Retiring’. U3A is for retired people providing groups for like-minded people to pursue interests in common locally during the daytime.

Trinity Methodist Centre is opposite the speed camera on Thakeham Road – bus stop at entrance, parking at rear.

 U3A has many facets: continued learning, comradeship, fun, mental stimulation, overcoming loneliness, sharing skills and knowledge. Basic yearly membership is only £10 to cover administration as groups are self-supporting. Some groups have a small extra charge to cover hall costs.

Current Arun Valley U3A Interest Groups:
Art Appreciation, Ballet and Dance Appreciation, 3 Book Circles, 2 Coffee and Conversation Groups, Cribbage, Croquet, Dog Walking group, Film Circle, Flowers and Gardens, 3 French Conversation Groups, History and Discussion, Local History, Luncheon Group, Music Appreciation, Natural History, Opera Appreciation, Poetry Group, Science and Technology, 2 Spanish Conversation groups, Table Tennis and 2 Walking Groups.

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