School Ln
Storrington, Pulborough RH20 4LL
“Sentinels against the Storm”
A Talk by Simon Quail
October 6th at 7.30 p.m. at Storrington Museum,
Old School, School Lane, Storrington RH20 4LL.
“How did they do it? Why did they? I am fascinated by how they were constructed in the face of storms and the surge of the sea. I was a navigator for nearly twenty years, many of them around the dangerous coastlines of northern Scotland. I know these light towers from two perspectives – from the sea and from the land. Assisted with an array of historic and original images I paint pictures in words to cast light on the fascinating story those brilliant Stevenson engineers and their elegant creations”.
Captain Simon Quail, Master Mariner, is a Liveryman of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners. He joined the Merchant Navy in 1966, serving as a Deck Apprentice with Elder Dempster Lines. ‘Gangway – A Life at Sea’ published by Racing Rabbit Press is his maritime memoir.
Venue: Old School, School Lane, Storrington RH20 4LL.
Members £6. Non Members £8. All welcome
Teas & Coffees will be available after the talk.
No booking required
Registered Charity: 1084853
Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.