What’s On?

Your guide to what’s on in and around Storrington. There are many community groups, organisations, societies and sports clubs which meet regularly and hold public events. These listings are created by them and include film shows, markets, live music, and other community events.

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Sandgate Singers: Haydn’s Nelson Mass @ Our Lady of England Catholic Church
Nov 21 @ 7:00 pm

Painting showing Nelson's Victory for concert by Sandgate Singers, Storrington

A joyous concert by Sandgate Singers on 21st November 2021 of Haydn’s Nelson Mass together with some favourite choral classics: Mozart’s “Ave Verum”, Franck’s “Panis Angelicus”, Stainer’s “God so loved the World” and Mendelssohn’s “Hear my Prayer”.

Tickets are available from the Card Shop, Storrington or by email via the Sandgate Singers website.

Please come and support your local choir for our first concert back singing since December 2019.