What’s On?

Your guide to what’s on in and around Storrington. There are many community groups, organisations, societies and sports clubs which meet regularly and hold public events. These listings are created by them and include film shows, markets, live music, and other community events.

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Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 1 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Toddler Time @ Storrington Library
Sep 1 @ 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Library Toddler Time

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 2 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 3 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 5 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 6 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 7 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Knit and Natter @ Storrington Library
Sep 7 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Please contact the Library before attending to be sure of being able to secure a place.

Library Knit & Natter

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 8 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Toddler Time @ Storrington Library
Sep 8 @ 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Library Toddler Time

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 9 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Storrington Library: “Gadgeteers” Reading Challenge @ Storrington Library
Sep 10 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Poster for Storrington Library Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge

This year the Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is called ‘Gadgeteers’ and it has an exciting science and innovation theme!

The children’s challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the holidays –  and they get to collect a bag full of goodies, including a fold-out poster and smelly stickers! Take a visit to the library – there are fun activities there, including a Character Hunt with a chance of entering a prize draw.

If the children complete the challenge by Saturday 10th September, they are rewarded with a medal and certificate. It’s free to take part and children just need to visit the library with a library card to become a Gadgeteer (to get a library card visit the library with a parent or carer with a proof of address).

Sign up to the challenge online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/src or pop into Storrington library.

Knit and Natter @ Storrington Library
Sep 14 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Please contact the Library before attending to be sure of being able to secure a place.

Library Knit & Natter