Storrington Conservation News: Looking forward to Spring

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This time of the year as the days lengthen we begin to look forward to spring, keeping eyes open for the first snowdrops, daffodils beginning to form buds and birds starting to build nests. All signs of warmer weather on the way, though cold spells may intervene. And it is a time for preparing our gardens for summer. It is rewarding to have flowers, such as perennial wallflowers, that attract honeybees. And bumblebees enjoy the nectar and pollen as well. Also butterflies are attracted, adding colour. If white clover can be allowed in part of the lawn, that also is a good provider of nectar. Fulfilling and good conservation, becoming increasingly important as other habitats are lost.

Our work party on Saturday 6th January spent time in Fryern Dell, carrying out woodland management and restoration work, the aim being to recover aspects of the original Victorian Pleasure Garden for all ages to enjoy. The exercise helped to reduce Christmas weight gain. The work party on 3rd February at 10.00am will be again in Fryern Dell, clearing invasive undergrowth from around the pond. For details of the Thursday work party on 15th February at 2.00pm, please refer to our website nearer the time. As ever, all comers welcome to join any work party, equipment provided, suitable wear necessary.

On 10th February at 2.00pm all are invited to the Village hall for Tea and Talk. Our guest speaker is Michael Joseph, talking about the creation and management of the wildflower meadow to which he and his wife Jane have devoted their time, and which a group of us visited last year.

For information about this and all our activities, or on becoming a member, please get in touch with Chairman Mick Denness on 01903 745971, or see our website

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