What’s On?

Your guide to what’s on in and around Storrington. There are many community groups, organisations, societies and sports clubs which meet regularly and hold public events. These listings are created by them and include film shows, markets, live music, and other community events.

Expand the entries below to find the details such as map location, contacts and admission charges (if any).

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Events Organisers!
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SSPC Recreation and Property Committee @ Parish Hall, Thakeham Road
May 1 @ 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm

Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall

Recreation & Property Committee

The main areas covered by this Committee are:

Maintenance and supervision of all property, open spaces owned or leased by Storrington Parish Council, including the arrangement of leases to tenants and liaison with the West Chanctonbury Leisure Association.
The committee is be responsible for ensuring that its spending remains within budget and that any excesses are brought to the immediate attention of the Full Council.

Members of the public are welcome.

Dates and times may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes and the full agenda can be found on the Storrington & Sullington Parish website Recreation and Property committee page.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

SSPC Infrastructure Communications & Environment Committee @ Parish Hall, Thakeham Road
May 1 @ 7:45 pm – 8:30 pm

Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall

ICE (Infrastructure, Communications and Environment Committee)

The main areas covered by this Committee are: Maintenance of street lighting and litter clearance. Advising the Council on any community events within the parish (Christmas lighting, , Festive events, Village Day etc.) and pursuing plans for events approved by the Council. Maintenance of the Pond. Advising the appropriate authorities on areas needing attention, i.e., highways, footways, public footpaths, highway lighting, car parking, traffic and road signs, street naming and numbering, public transport, dog bins, public conveniences, floral displays in the village, street furniture, village gateways and signage. Waste provision and recycling. Environment & Climate Change. Parish Council Communication Strategy to ensure our community are well informed and engaged. Initiatives to increase tourism/visitors to the Parish. Support local businesses with events and activities aimed at ensuring we have a thriving village for local people and visitors.

Members of the public are welcome.

Dates and times may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes and the full agenda can be found on the Storrington & Sullington Parish website ICE committee page.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

SSPC Planning & Development Committee @ Parish Hall, Thakeham Road
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm

Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall

Planning & Development Committee

The main areas covered by this Committee are:

  • Submission of comments to the appropriate authority on planning applications, appeals, local development framework, structure plans and effect of infrastructure.
  • Maintenance of Trees owned by Storrington Parish Council.
  • The committee will be responsible for ensuring that its spending remains within budget and that any excesses are brought to the immediate attention of the Full Council.

Should you have any queries regarding Tree Preservation Orders, please contact the Parish Office.

Members of the public are welcome.

Dates and times may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes and the full agenda can be found on the Storrington & Sullington Parish website Planning and Development committee page.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

S&SPC Finance and Budget Committee @ Parish Hall, Thakeham Road
May 15 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall

Finance & Budget Committee

The Storrington & Sullington Finance & Budget Committee is responsible for budgeting and for the overall control of the general management, administration and financial arrangements of the Parish Council.

Members of the public are welcome.

Dates and times may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes and the full agenda can be found on the Storrington & Sullington Parish website Finance & Budget Committee page.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Storrington Traffic Group 18th April meeting @ Storrington Village Hall
May 15 @ 7:30 pm

Storrington Traffic Meeting image


Are you joining us at our next public meeting at 7:30pm on Thursday 18th April at Storrington Village Hall?

We will be giving an update on progress since the last public meeting, (there’s been lots going on), sharing our list of potential short-term solutions to address Storrington’s traffic issues and planning our Week of Action at the end of May.

We are delighted to announce that we will have special guests, including Horsham Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Neil Durkan, who is very keen to help the Storrington community address its traffic issues in any way he can.

IMPORTANT – Please email StorringtonTrafficGroup@gmail.com to let us know that you are coming as, although we would like as many people to attend as possible, the hall capacity is limited.


If you are able and willing to print and display the poster below please do so.

Finally, did you know there is a Storrington Traffic Facebook Group to engage with residents, gather evidence and share experiences has been set up – you can join it here:


We’ve also set regular dates for STG meetings to put in your diaries till July – our next STG meetings, all at Storrington Village Hall, will be at 7.30pm on:

15th May 2024
20th June 2024
10th July 2024

Best wishes,

Storrington Traffic Group

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Storrington & Sullington Annual Parish Meeting @ Parish Hall, Thakeham Road
May 22 @ 7:00 pm

Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall

The Local Government Act 1972 states that “for every parish there shall be a Parish Meeting for the purpose of discussing parish affairs and exercising any functions conferred on such meeting by any enactment…”

The Annual Parish Meeting is open to all electors of the Parish, who have the right not only to attend, but also to speak on any matter of local interest.

(This is in contrast to a Council meeting, where electors who are not Councillors may only speak at the discretion of the Chairman of the Council. A Parish Meeting is a meeting of the people of the parish, a Parish Council Meeting is a meeting of the parish councillors).

With the exception of the Chairman, councillors rank the same as other members of the electorate during the meeting.

A skeleton agenda is usually published ahead of the meeting, but items may be added up to and even during the meeting.  Any member of the electorate may request items to be placed on the agenda.  Any matter pertinent to the parish may be discussed at the meeting.

All those present at the meeting who are on the electoral register for the parish have the right to vote.

This meeting has its own minutes, which should be kept separately from the Council minutes, and these minutes can only be approved by the next Annual Parish Meeting which will, of course, not be held until the following year.

It is however, good practice to bring the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting to the next convenient meeting of the Parish Council, since otherwise matters are unlikely to get progressed. But it is important that the Council does not actually approve these minutes, as they do not belong to the Council.

The Chairman of the Parish Council chairs the meeting.  The Clerk to the Parish Council organises and takes the minutes of the meeting.

The Storrington & Sullington Annual Parish Meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday each May (Covid caused exceptions).

Proceedings of previous Annual Parish Meetings

(The information shown here has come from resources produced to advise Parish Councils)

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council @ Parish Hall, Thakeham Road
May 29 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Parish Council logo

Like any other organisation or company, the Council needs to hold an annual meeting to carry out those things that only need doing once a year. These include:

  • Electing a Chairman
  • Electing a Vice-Chairman (if the council wants to have one)
  • Appointing committees
  • Appointing representatives to other bodies (e.g. the Parish Hall Committee, or School Governing Bodies)
  • Agreeing to subscribe to such bodies as the County Association of Local Councils
  • Reviewing policy documents such as risk assessment, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, etc.

The Storrington & Sullington Annual Parish Council meetings are typically held on the last Wednesday each May.

The proceedings of previous Annual Parish Council Meetings

Storrington Traffic Group 18th April meeting @ Storrington Village Hall
Jun 20 @ 7:30 pm

Storrington Traffic Meeting image


Are you joining us at our next public meeting at 7:30pm on Thursday 18th April at Storrington Village Hall?

We will be giving an update on progress since the last public meeting, (there’s been lots going on), sharing our list of potential short-term solutions to address Storrington’s traffic issues and planning our Week of Action at the end of May.

We are delighted to announce that we will have special guests, including Horsham Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Neil Durkan, who is very keen to help the Storrington community address its traffic issues in any way he can.

IMPORTANT – Please email StorringtonTrafficGroup@gmail.com to let us know that you are coming as, although we would like as many people to attend as possible, the hall capacity is limited.


If you are able and willing to print and display the poster below please do so.

Finally, did you know there is a Storrington Traffic Facebook Group to engage with residents, gather evidence and share experiences has been set up – you can join it here:


We’ve also set regular dates for STG meetings to put in your diaries till July – our next STG meetings, all at Storrington Village Hall, will be at 7.30pm on:

15th May 2024
20th June 2024
10th July 2024

Best wishes,

Storrington Traffic Group

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Storrington & Sullington Parish Council Meeting @ The Parish Hall
Jun 26 @ 7:00 pm

PC storks logo

Full Parish Council meeting.

It is advisable to check the Parish Council website for meeting dates as these are occasionally subject to change.

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Please contact the Clerk before noon on the Monday before the meeting to register your interest and to submit any questions or matters that you may wish to raise. 

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for the services it provides; it establishes policies for action and decides how money will be raised and spent on behalf of the community.  Understand how your council works.

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for spending public money lawfully and without risk and, of course, for achieving the best value for money.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Storrington Traffic Group 18th April meeting @ Storrington Village Hall
Jul 10 @ 7:30 pm

Storrington Traffic Meeting image


Are you joining us at our next public meeting at 7:30pm on Thursday 18th April at Storrington Village Hall?

We will be giving an update on progress since the last public meeting, (there’s been lots going on), sharing our list of potential short-term solutions to address Storrington’s traffic issues and planning our Week of Action at the end of May.

We are delighted to announce that we will have special guests, including Horsham Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Neil Durkan, who is very keen to help the Storrington community address its traffic issues in any way he can.

IMPORTANT – Please email StorringtonTrafficGroup@gmail.com to let us know that you are coming as, although we would like as many people to attend as possible, the hall capacity is limited.


If you are able and willing to print and display the poster below please do so.

Finally, did you know there is a Storrington Traffic Facebook Group to engage with residents, gather evidence and share experiences has been set up – you can join it here:


We’ve also set regular dates for STG meetings to put in your diaries till July – our next STG meetings, all at Storrington Village Hall, will be at 7.30pm on:

15th May 2024
20th June 2024
10th July 2024

Best wishes,

Storrington Traffic Group

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Storrington & Sullington Parish Council Meeting @ The Parish Hall
Jul 31 @ 7:00 pm

PC storks logo

Full Parish Council meeting.

It is advisable to check the Parish Council website for meeting dates as these are occasionally subject to change.

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Please contact the Clerk before noon on the Monday before the meeting to register your interest and to submit any questions or matters that you may wish to raise. 

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for the services it provides; it establishes policies for action and decides how money will be raised and spent on behalf of the community.  Understand how your council works.

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for spending public money lawfully and without risk and, of course, for achieving the best value for money.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Storrington & Sullington Parish Council Meeting @ The Parish Hall
Aug 28 @ 7:00 pm

PC storks logo

Full Parish Council meeting.

It is advisable to check the Parish Council website for meeting dates as these are occasionally subject to change.

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Please contact the Clerk before noon on the Monday before the meeting to register your interest and to submit any questions or matters that you may wish to raise. 

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for the services it provides; it establishes policies for action and decides how money will be raised and spent on behalf of the community.  Understand how your council works.

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for spending public money lawfully and without risk and, of course, for achieving the best value for money.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Storrington & Sullington Parish Council Meeting @ The Parish Hall
Sep 25 @ 7:00 pm

PC storks logo

Full Parish Council meeting.

It is advisable to check the Parish Council website for meeting dates as these are occasionally subject to change.

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Please contact the Clerk before noon on the Monday before the meeting to register your interest and to submit any questions or matters that you may wish to raise. 

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for the services it provides; it establishes policies for action and decides how money will be raised and spent on behalf of the community.  Understand how your council works.

Storrington Parish Council is responsible for spending public money lawfully and without risk and, of course, for achieving the best value for money.

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.