What’s On?

Your guide to what’s on in and around Storrington. There are many community groups, organisations, societies and sports clubs which meet regularly and hold public events. These listings are created by them and include film shows, markets, live music, and other community events.

Expand the entries below to find the details such as map location, contacts and admission charges (if any).

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Journey: A Group for Parents & Carers of Autistic & SEN Children @ Chanctonbury Leisure Centre
May 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Come along and have a chat with parents on a similar journey

Journey - A group for parents and carers of autistic and SEN children

Third Tuesday of the month, 10am to 11am, at Chanctonbury Leisure Centre, Spierbridge Road, RH20 4PG.

No need to book, no pressure, just turn up.

Tea and coffee provided free of charge.

For more information contact:
Chris Poore | Mobile: 07795 046743  or John Sampson | Mobile: 07789943201
Email: Storrington-SullingtonWardens@horsham.gov.uk

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.

Journey: A Group for Parents & Carers of Autistic & SEN Children @ Chanctonbury Leisure Centre
Jun 18 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Come along and have a chat with parents on a similar journey

Journey - A group for parents and carers of autistic and SEN children

Third Tuesday of the month, 10am to 11am, at Chanctonbury Leisure Centre, Spierbridge Road, RH20 4PG.

No need to book, no pressure, just turn up.

Tea and coffee provided free of charge.

For more information contact:
Chris Poore | Mobile: 07795 046743  or John Sampson | Mobile: 07789943201
Email: Storrington-SullingtonWardens@horsham.gov.uk

Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the Event contact form.