Online Quiz – Gardening for Butterflies

February 17, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Sussex Wildlife Trust Online Butterfly Quiz Banner


Sussex Wildlife Trust (Storrington and Arun Valley Regional Group) are pleased to announce our first regional online event of 2022.

With only around 50 butterfly species found in Sussex, it should be a manageable task to get to know this group of insects well. Let’s find out together, through the creative learning of a talk plus quiz format, just how much we know. No prior knowledge is needed – just join in the fun and allow this online experience to drive you forward.

It is free to join and you can book your place on the Eventbrite page. You can also scan the QR code on the image above. This online event held via Zoom. Details will be sent following registration.

It is with the kind permission of Storrington resident, Martin Kalaher and the Sussex Butterfly Conservation that it is possible to run this quiz. With grateful thanks.

At a critical time for declining numbers of pollinators generally, we will find out more of these beautiful insects. Anyone with even a small strip of garden can make a difference. If we stop using chemicals, actively encourage native plants and leave sections of our gardens wilder, we can already play a big part. Even without your own back garden, you can help our group in various ways: you can influence the management of road verges in urban settings, get inspired to help create a corner of wildflower meadow and join our Garden Pollinator project in 2022. These all help to stall the steep decline in our insect pollinators.

If butterflies do not survive and hopefully thrive, over the next few decades,
then neither will we!

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