New summer events to support young people and parents

There were three recent deaths by suicide of young people from Horsham Schools. As part of the District Council’s response we want to try and ensure that parents and young people have access to informal information, advice and guidance over the summer holidays and the opportunity to raise any worries or concerns that they have with a professional.

The Council’s Neighbourhood Wardens will be launching their ‘Talking Tents’ initiative in branded gazebos across the Horsham District from 30 July to 31 August. Some sessions will be supported by Sussex Clubs for Young People.

The Wardens will be adapting the street briefing idea using a gazebo to act as a focal point – which we are now calling a ‘Talking Tent’! The aim is to provide a focal point over the summer holidays where parents and young people from the Parish can come and have a chat / be given some leaflets / resources and signposted to other services if required.

Young people and their parents are invited to come along to talk to the wardens and receive advice on the many support services available.

For information about the sessions, including specific venues and times, see below:

Supporting your child’s mental health over the summer
Join West Sussex Mind and other parents for an informal session to discuss the challenges to young people’s mental health, gain confidence in having conversations about how they are feeling and thinking, and gain some tools to help your young person with any emotional difficulties.

Neighbourhood Wardens ‘Talking Tents’
Come along and talk to the Neighbourhood Wardens who will be able to signpost you to specific services. Look out for the branded gazebos. Youth workers from Sussex Clubs for Young People will also be at some sessions.

Tuesdays 27 July to 31 August 11am to 1pm Chanctonbury Leisure Centre Recreation Ground
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