Rotary Club of Storrington & Pulborough District distributes
Christmas Sacks to people in need.
As part of its Community outreach service, the Rotary Club of Storrington and Pulborough District planned to give as many Christmas Sacks as its depleted funds would allow this Christmas to local people in need.
The Sacks were tailored to the needs of the recipient families brought to the Club’s attention by Local Authorities and gave a little cheer to those whose Christmas could have been very bleak otherwise. The Sacks which included gifts, Christmas goodies, clothing and a cash voucher were funded by many donations from kind local folk including some very generous contributions from donors including Sullington PCC & Storrington Squash Club Trust.
The sacks were a lovely surprise. One mum opened the sack, looked through the contents and burst into tears. She said it was just like someone knew who they were buying for and everything in there was just perfect and appropriate.
Project coordinator Ray Miles said: “When we first thought of putting Christmas Sacks together for a few local families who would benefit from some extra gifts, we hoped that we would have the funds for 20 sacks. However, thanks to the generosity of so many people, we have been able to fulfil 50 sacks – all being given to those less fortunate in our community. Thank you to all who contributed – we are extremely grateful for your support”.
For further information contact:
Penny Barnes at
Telephone: 01798 815129