The planned visit to Hurston Warren for 5th March was brought forward to Thursday 3rd. The work there involved restoration of the SSSI by removing invasive saplings. The change of the work programme was to enable the planting of native trees and shrubs on Saturday 5th March at Dyke Farm, all part the rewilding scheme there, which had been delayed by bad weather. Good progress was made.
On Saturday 26th February we welcomed Dr Tony Whitehead as guest speaker at our Talk and Tea afternoon. It was a well attended occasion, the illustrated talk by Tony was both informative and entertaining. His subject was ‘What have plants ever done for us’, highly topical in the light of the ongoing need to protect our precious ecosystem, essential for making life possible and worthwhile.
He pointed out that plants are indispensable parts of the world’s natural capital and need to be valued as vital to the food cycle. Not only that, they absorb pollution and are necessary for the reduction of CO2 and the production of oxygen. For a stable climate there needs to be a balance between the CO2 caused by mankind (and other life) and the production of oxygen. At present there is considerable imbalance.
In short, human life is only possible because there are plants. Hence the imperative need to cherish them.
We next meet on 2nd April at 10.00am at the Leisure Centre Car Park. The plan is to clear litter and other rubbish along popular paths and verges in the village. Mundane work, but important for the enjoyment of our neighbourhood. It will not be all work, a coffee break is included. Join us if you can.
For information about this and our other activities, or on becoming a member, (no subscription is required, donations welcome) please get in touch with Chairman Mick Denness on 01903 745971, or see our website.