What’s this all about I hear you ask!
Himalayan Balsam is an invasive, non-native plant species. It grows mostly near wetland areas into tall and dense thickets. We want you to help us pull this pesky plant.
The ARC (Arun and Rother Connections) Project has booked in some balsam pulling days in June and July in order to tackle this persistent plant. Pulling it out is quite addictive and satisfying and what’s not to like getting some fresh air in the great outdoors.
Even though it has a pretty pink flower, the balsam needs to be removed as it outcompetes native plants and reduces wildlife diversity. It is shallow rooted and makes river banks unstable thereby contributing to soil erosion.
There are several areas we are concentrating on including Monkmead Wood at West Chiltington and Wickford Bridge near Pulborough.
Help us remove these alien invaders!
Come for a day or a couple of hours – the choice is yours. The balsam is easy to pull (everyone works at their own pace). No specific skills are needed and we gather it into large piles to enable it to rot down easily. Gloves and the all important refreshments are provided (even cake).
If you’d like to do something different AND make a difference, get in touch and have a go – we’d love to see you there.
Find out more
Contact Kate to book on any work parties on 01273 763377 or kate.whitton@rspb.org.uk.