Those who were hoping for a white Christmas were disappointed. The mild weather was kind to travellers and helped to keep heating bills in check, but it could make plants and wildlife feel spring had arrived early. Which could mean an end to hibernation and the start of nesting for birds. Dangerous for them should a cold spell arrive. So the sharp frosts after the festival were timely. A reminder that winter isn’t over, but it does make finding food hard for birds. They need our help, not least a supply of fresh water, unfrozen!
The work party in Fryern Dell on 7th January enabled participants to restore waistlines expanded by seasonal fare. Good healthy useful exercise in fresh air and friendly company. What could be better? Our next work Saturday is on 4th February starting at 10.00am as usual We will be continuing the work in the Dell around the pond near the waterfall. All part of the restoration programme to bring back some of the Victorian splendour lost over the years. For details of the Thursday work party on 16th February at 2.00pm, please refer to our website. As ever, we are glad of new volunteers to join the regulars on any occasion.
Then on Saturday 25th February at 2.00pm in the Village Hall we have our next talk and tea. The speaker is Dr Nikki Gammans FRES Short-Haired Bumblebee Project Manager from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. She will be telling us about the work of the Trust with particular emphasis on the reintroduction of rare bumblebee in the south east. All welcome, not only members. Entrance £3.00.
For information about this and all our activities, or becoming a member, please get in touch with Mick Denness on 01903 745971, or look on our website