Storrington Conservation Society – April Newsletter

Storrington Conservation Volunteers in car park

With the relaxation of COVID restrictions, happily the work party planned for the 3rd of April was able to go ahead. About twenty took part, all glad to enjoy some time in company (not too close) in the fresh air.

The generous breeze made sure it was fresh! Breaking up into small groups, the task was to pick up discarded rubbish alongside footpaths beside the millpond and the streamside, appreciating the daffodils, primroses and early bluebells while doing so. General litter, cast off masks, dumped bottles, cans and tins were gathered and sorted into refuse and items for recycling. A worthwhile morning!

During the restrictions, it is clear that local footpaths have been well used, even when the heavy rain turned them into quagmires. Thanks are due to those who keep the styles and gates in good order. For the most part, thanks are also due to the many dog walkers for the care taken in pooper scooping. Sadly there are exceptions: one puzzling development is number of poo-filled bags dumped beside paths – giving doggie bags a new meaning. But why? The next work party is planned for Saturday, 1st May, starting at 10.00am. We meet in the Library car park. The plan is to clear the stream and banks between the Library and Love Lane.

For information about our activities, or on becoming a member, please get in touch with Chairman Mick Denness on 01903 745971, or see our website:

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