Storrington Conservation Society – April Newsletter

Hands holding Earth and tree

“During the 1960’s the conservation of nature was beginning to be proclaimed. It was presented as a rule of prudence. Care for nature was seen as important to the present and future well-being of mankind. Scientists and naturalists were able to show that the exploitation and abuse of the natural world might have consequences more serious and more immediate than had previously been suspected. The maintenance of the balance of nature is of great importance even to the survival of mankind.”

That was written in 1977 by W H Vanstone. Prophetic words. More than 40 years later we are becoming aware of their truth. Latest concerns include the decline in the number of insects vital for the pollination of food crops, due to use of insecticides and the dramatic loss of ancient wild-flower meadows. Jane and Michael Joseph spoke at our ‘Talk and Tea’ some months ago and showed how such habitat can be restored and the benefits that result. Recently school children have demonstrated their concern at the sort of world they will have to live with unless urgent action is taken. It is up to the present generation of adults to respond if we wish to hand on a worthy heritage.

On the 6th April the work party met by the Riverside Walk bridge in Love Lane in order to clear the banks and the stream between the Lane and Fryern Dell of unwanted vegetation and rubbish. We meet again on 4th May at 10.00am in the Library car park to continue the work upstream in preparation for the annual Duck Race. A chance to put on wellies and paddle in the stream not to be missed! All comers welcome, equipment, other than suitable clothing, provided. Mid-morning break with refreshments adds to the enjoyment.

For information about this and all our activities, or on becoming a member, please get in touch with Chairman Mick Denness on 01903 745971, or see our website

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