Storrington Conservation Society – December Newsletter

The Earth in space

At the start of a new year we look ahead with hopes and plans for the months to come and also look back at the the past. As we do so we can say it has been a year like no other. The hopes and plans we had twelve months ago were dramatically reshaped. A reminder that some forces are beyond our control.

Our perspectives changed, particularly with regards to the people and things we rely on most. Lockdown gave the opportunity for many of us to consider what is important to us. The need to conserve the world of nature became more sharply focused.

Now we look ahead with greater awareness that predictions can only be provisional. With the production of vaccines we can realistically hope the virus can be controlled. The other global issue is that of climate change. Again there is cause for hope. Many countries are now taking action ahead of the forthcoming climate change summit. The phasing out of petrol and diesel fuelled vehicles in this country is just one example. President elect Biden has appointed an ex-Secretary of State as Climate Envoy, and has committed the USA to rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement.

Necessary practical action will mean changes to our way of life for which we have to be  prepared. We don’t need to wait for legislation, we can act now. Make a New Year resolution to reduce our carbon footprint: there is plenty of advice available – enjoy putting it into effect and have a Conserving New Year!

The work party planned for 5th December at the Riverside Walk from Love Lane to Dean Way went ahead, keeping the rule of six. The next one is on 2nd January at 10.00am at Hurston Warren SSSI, all being well.Confirmation of this and details will be found on our website.

For information about our activities, or on becoming a member, please get in touch with Chairman, Mick Denness on 01903 745971, or see our website


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