Sussex Safer Roads PROJECT EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death)

Speedwatch 30mph signsSussex Safer Roads PROJECT EDWARD

(Every Day Without A Road Death)

Well be launched in Sussex on Monday 15th May 2023. The aim of the project is to reduce the number of Killed and Seriously Injured on the roads of Sussex.

Storrington has been chosen as the venue for the launch for a number of reasons reasons, the first being that we have the largest and most proficient Community Speedwatch group in Sussex helping to raise speed awareness in the area, and secondly because of its demographic a high number of reports from residents about anti-social driving from the roads around the parish.

Senior Officers and Police representatives will be in Storrington 10.30 to 11.30 at Storrington Memorial Pond with media activity to promote the launch and officers available to discuss any road safety matters you may have.

For more information on Project Edward visit

All road users are encouraged to think about their speed and to always travel within the designated speed limit. Inappropriate speed can have a devastating impact on the safety of road users and the wider community. Drivers are reminded that the speed limit is the limit, not a target. You must not drive faster than the speed limit for the type of road and your type of vehicle. The speed limit is the absolute maximum – it does not mean it is safe to drive at this speed in all conditions.

Visit the GOV.UK website for National Speed Limits information.

The law on GOV.UK speeding penalties and penalty points.

Sussex Safer Roads Project EDWARD Launch


Submitted to the Storrington Community Website using the News Item contact form.

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