Ultra-Fast Broadband for Storrington & Sullington – Sign Up Now!

S&S GBit Voucher

Sign-up your expression of interest by 4 January 2021

We have an opportunity to create Ultra-Fast Storrington and Sullington with Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband (also known as Gigabit) becoming available to every household and business in the village and many more in the wider Parish area. Having Ultrafast broadband might even increase the value of your house or make it more saleable, especially if more people start working from home! It should also be of great interest to the many businesses in our community.

You may not think you need faster broadband but as products including Netflix, YouTube, iPlayer etc, move to higher definition, they will start to outstrip the 30-40Mb service generally available bringing on the dreaded “buffering” in the middle of a program. Today many households have 2 or 3 devices per occupant which when added together can easily overload your internet connection. The Ultrafast service gives greater capacity over the standard broadband services and whilst some areas of the Parish can obtain a faster than 30-40Mb connection the Ultrafast will bring the best and importantly more reliable service.

Storrington and Sullington Parish Council have started the process which could lead to every household and business in the village, and many in surrounding areas within the Parish, having access to Ultrafast Broadband (also known as Fibre To The Premises – FTTP). Under this application we anticipate zero installation costs and no increase in the monthly cost of your current internet connection, assuming you have/maintain normal High Speed Broadband (>30Mb). This will be a single joint application made by the Parish Council on behalf of all those interested. The timescale from completion of the application
process to availability in your home is expected to be 9-15 months.

You are under no obligation to upgrade to Ultrafast Broadband; this is about having the option to do so. If you decide to upgrade from High-Speed to Ultrafast there would be a monthly increase in your subscription depending on the supplier. Any new or improved service normally has an additional installation cost but if we act quickly as part of the initial phase, we can all reap the benefits of this amazing deal to get the infrastructure in place with financial support from the Government and West Sussex County Council.

Storrington and Sullington might even be one of the first fully connected villages in Sussex!!

This note is produced by the Storrington and Sullington Parish Council and is NOT

Are you interested?

All you need to do is to confirm your agreement and provide your name and address by completing our online form so that we can add your name to the joint application. 

Please either scan the QR code below or use this link:


You will be taken to our registration of interest form.

GBit voucher QR

Alternatively you can register your interest by telephoning the Parish Council Office on 01903 746547 and providing your details.

Any information you supply will be treated in the strictest confidence and only used in connection with this application.

The Small Print

Every household added to the joint application attracts funding of £1,500 from Central Government plus, possibly, subject to availability of funds, a top-up of up to £2,500 from WSCC towards the installation/infrastructure costs. If you decide to take the Ultrafast service your commitment will be a new contract with your current or potentially a new provider. This could be an extension to your current contract if your provider is one that can supply the ultra-fast service. You do not need to commit to Ultrafast Broadband at this stage.

Please note that not all providers can supply Ultrafast broadband so a change of provider may be required.

With your help, but no commitment to additional cost at this stage, we can extend this to provide the Ultrafast Broadband option to all 3,300 plus households and the many businesses in the Parish.

Additional information is available from the Government website:-


From Openreach:



Mobile Phone Coverage

The Parish Council is also updating its information on the state of the mobile phone coverage in the Parish.  Please send an email to office@storrington-pc.gov.uk to advise us about:

  • the quality of signal you receive
  • your street name
  • your current mobile phone network 

No personal data will be recorded and your assistance in helping us to review the current situation would be gratefully received.

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