Glebe Surgery letter to patients from Dr Newsom 27 January 2022

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27 January 2022

Dear Patients

Thank you all for your tremendous support during 2021. It was a great comfort to all our staff who have worked tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic. All my partners wish to thank them for their tremendous efforts.

At the surgery, we undertake regular risk assessments in order to ensure patient and staff safety. This has continued during the pandemic.

Thankfully, it seems that the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus is less virulent although highly transmissible. There are still high levels of the virus circulating in our community.

As a result, The Glebe Surgery Partnership have decided that all GP appointments still need to be telephone triaged before a face-to-face appointment can be booked. This means there is much less chance of patients and staff infecting each other. This is important for several reasons, the main one being that some people who use the surgery more frequently due to serious illness are more likely to become unwell if they are infected with COVID-19. Another reason is that if staff become infected it will be more difficult to provide important health services.

We also ask all patients attending the surgery to continue to wear masks (unless exempt or asked to remove it by a healthcare professional).

We greatly value your understanding of our decisions and will regularly review our processes as more information on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic becomes available.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 prior to a booked appointment please inform a member of staff so, a healthcare professional can check it is safe for you to attend the surgery.

Dr Keir Newsom

Dr Keir Newsom MBBS
The Glebe Surgery

The Glebe
West Sussex
RH20 4FR
01903 742942

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