News of Storrington Community Hub


Storrington Community COVID-19 Support Hub
– News Update from the Neighbourhood Wardens

Current demand for The Hub has now dwindled: we have dealt with approximately 30 phone calls since Christmas. It is now not viable to continue this service. When we met with the coordinator of the Mid Sussex Hubs “exit plans” were discussed. It was clear that the time was right to close.

Be reassured that the infrastructure of the hub is still there, and should we ever need to resurrect The Hub then we can be up and running in just a few hours.

If you have any concerns or you know of residents who are struggling, there are agencies still operating and keen to assist. Please see the contact details below:

West Sussex Community Hub Tel: 033 022 27980

NHS Volunteer Responders Tel: 0808 196 3646

Age UK: Tel: 01403 260560

Horsham Matters: Tel: 0300 124 0204

Full details are available on the COVID-19 Virus Community Support & Advice page.

Your Neighbourhood Wardens: Tel: Chris: 07795 046743 and Steve: 07789 943201

Storrington Wardens
Steve and Chris
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